Monday, September 11, 2017

RESULTS: September 2017 ARS Spartan Sprint

Please click on the Scoreboard for an enlarged view.

SOAPBOX: September 2017 ARS Spartan Sprint

1 contact, 2.55 pounds. Found this activity by accident. KX3 @ 5w portable at summer cottage, but operating from inside. 73,
Jody, K3JZD

Got only 2 contacts on 20M before it closed. Lots of QRN/QSB on 40M but I made some contacts. Be back next month for more fun.

Despite terrible propagation numbers shown on QRZ this evening, I thought 40 meters was pretty good tonight with some fairly strong signals and nice signal reports.  My goal of 10 contacts was reached in 40 minutes, which is pretty good under our current band conditions. Thanks for the nice contacts and the Spartan Sprint fun.  73/72 . . . Don

Interesting event for me this month . . . The ATS-3a was operating well with 3W out to the vertical, and my CW was acceptable, even without cleaning the copper contacts. However, they really need some attention before the next event. They were dropping my apparent CW IQ by many points due to corrosion on the “dots”. I got on 40M and stayed there for most of the event. The contact count started very slowly, but was OK. At times it really opened up, and contacts were abundant. Conditions on 80M were noisy but I managed one QSO with AB9CA. Quite satisfied with the results this time. I already have the October SS on the calendar! Drying out in Houston! 72, de Andy W5ACM Houston, TX EL29eq

Was late to the party and only managed 1 Q on 20M, but 40M conditions were great. Kudos to N5GW's 2 watts from MS full scale on my 25' dipole in Houston - post apocalypse. 72, Ed - N5EM

5 on 20m, and 14 on 40m. Worked 5 stations on both bands. Kx2 with uniHam paddles, ear buds, & paper log. 40m was surprisingly good after last Monday's solar activity. Thanks for the Qs.

5W, TH6DXX, dipole, zepp, inverted V. QSOs by band: 20M: 15.  40M: 18. 80M: 1. Thanks for all QSOs. 20M was quite good with a lot of activity; 40M was only fair with a lot of QRN and QSB.  80M was very good for AL with AB9CA, but heard no other activity and no answers to CQs. 72, John, K4BAI.

Thanks to K4BAI, AB9CA, K3RLL, WB5BKL, and KFØN. 73, Jim, W1PID

Poor conditions, but occasional HUGE signals.

Station was IC-7200 at 5w to 100 ft. wire up about 45 ft. Activity seemed to be better than it has been in a while. Good to see that. Noise was pretty bad. Made copy difficult. Had to narrow the filters down. Plus some local noise popped up. But several were heard. By band, 80/40/20, it was 2/18/17, a near even split between 40 and 20. 20 was long, as would be expected -  CA NH NJ MN UT WA plus others. But 40 was no slouch - CA WA OR as well as GA WI MS OH MO CO IA plus others. I think having the MI QRP Labor Day Sprint at the same time added to the activity. Two banders were K4BAI, W5ACM (40/80); WB5BKL, W5QLF, K6MR, W7OM (20/40). That is what I find in a look through the log. I apologize if you were a 2 bander and I overlooked your call in the log. I log with P&P and it is hard to spot everyone. Thanks to all who stopped by. Good to hear both familiar calls and new ones. Makes for an enjoyable evening. And, as always, THANKS to KI6SN for doing the work to make it possible! 73 de dave, AB9CA/4

7 QSOs for 6 states including CA & OR.  QRN was heavy on 40, so may had missed some calls. 72/73 Walt

First one in a long time!

K2/10 @ 5W to a 20M delta loop, a 40M dipole or a 40M extended double Zepp.  Nice signals at first but only 4 QSOs in the last hour, with just 1 in the last half-hour.  Worked 13 states.  Most of the contacts were on 20M. Tried 80M with no luck at all. Two banders with AB9CA and NK6A. Best signals:  20M - KE0TT, 40M - N5EM. My thanks to all. Had fun.