Monday, September 9, 2019

RESULTS: September 2019 ARS Spartan Sprint

SOAPBOX: September 2019 ARS Spartan Sprint

Slow start on 40m but things picked up pretty steadily until another contest had the nerve to intrude upon the frequencies we paid for! (GRIN)  Conditions weren’t great but sure better than watching TV. My thanks to the A.R.S. and the skilled and patient ops that pulled me out of the noise tonight. 72/73 … Don

Not sure if the activity was low, or I wasn't hearing well. Quit after the first hour. Thanks for the Q's. K3 @5w, Vertical, GenLog.

Part time. Poor conditions or not much activity. Hopefully, better next month! 72, Mark, WB9HFK

QSB, QRN, and HPM made conditions tough!  TNX KB1M fer the 20 contact!  K3RLL had the best sig on 40, but he quit before I got him in the log. Was able to connect with NØTA, K3JZD, and KFØN on 40. Next month has to be better! 72, Don, K9DRP

Lot of competition from high power stations in the HPM event. But signals on 40 and 80 were quite good. Could use some more activity next month. 73/72. John, K4BAI

Better luck than last month, managed 8 Qs for 7 states. One contact on 20 the rest on 40. Short opening to GA. Gave K4BAI best signal of the evening. Thanks for the QSOs.  72/73, Walt

40 meters only. Used a bare QCX-40 with a mini 12v Li-Ion battery pack and earbuds. 2 watts into a 40m Dipole. This month I used a Mini-Mini 3D Printed Straight Key that was designed and built by K0MBT – smaller than his Mini Key that I used last month. Tough sledding due to the waning solar storm. Battery ran down to the shutoff point after 1.5 hours of calling CQ a whole lot. See yunz next month.  Jody - K3JZD

K3/10 @ 5W to a 40M extended double Zepp. RBN could hear me well on 20, 40 and 80M. Too bad that doesn't count.  My thanks to John for the only Spartan Sprint contact. Five QRO QSOs omitted – worked several Hiram Percy Maxim stations during the lull. Had fun.