Sunday, May 12, 2019

SCOREBOARD: May 2019 ARS Spartan Sprint

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SOAPBOX: May 2019 ARS Spartan Sprint

First SS in probably 10 years, but glad to be back. IC-7300 @ 5 w to a 2-element Yagi at 52' on 20m, and an 80/40m inverted V at 45'. 6 QSOs on 20, 6 on 40, and 2 on 80. Hope to be in the "skinny" category next month. 72 to all and thanks for the QSOs! BCNU, Roy WA4DOU

Worked 30 minutes: 3 on 20m, and 5 on 40m. Thanks for the Q's. K3, Vertical, GenLog

Noisy conditions with weak signals, though probably not as weak as mine was this evening here in warm, toasty Florida. Pretty tough sledding but got RBN reports from Europe and Uruguay. Go figure. Thanks for the skilled and patient ops.  72 … Don

40m only. 4w QCX-40 with a battery pack and 40m dipole. As always, a fun event. Jody - K3JZD

20M was open good to the west and northeast at the start. 40M was OK all over, but went long before I could work K9QV in TN. But did get K9QV on 80. 80M was quite noisy with QRN, but still was able to work as far as TX. 3 bander with WB5BKL. 2 banders with NØTA, WA4DOU, and NK6A. Thanks for all QSOs. 73/72, John, K4BAI.

Icom 7300 @ 5W and OCF Dipole. Weight: 25 lbs.

QRN started out bad on 40, then for a while went to horrendous then back to bearable. 6 QSOs for 6 states. Always a fun evening. 72/73, Walt

The ATS-3a was doing reasonably well this month. My CW was “OK” but I had to burnish the paddle contacts after just a few minutes of operation. It was BAD… The batteries appear to be running well. I use a pair of 170 mAh LiPo cells glued to the top lid of the balsa-wood rig box. The radio makes 3W out, and this is the longest service I have had from these LiPo cells. I am impressed, and hope they continue to perform. Conditions were surprising. I was delighted to find 20M  doing really well! If we had more ops on 20M, it would have been superb. 20M was open to both coasts from my QTH. Participation was GOOD with new calls heard! I got 2 QSOs on 20M with NK6A in CA and WA4DOU in NC, and 3 QSOs on 40M. I didn’t even bother with 80M. The QRN I heard before the event was a tragedy… Be sure to check 20M before going to the lower frequencies next month, and stay on the air until the END. Thanks to all! 72 de Andy W5ACM, Houston, Texas EL29.

K3/10 @ 5W to a 40M extended double Zepp.  Each month is different. Only two QSOs in the second hour. 8 states this time with best signals:  20M - NK6A, 40M - N5GW (at 2w!), 80M - W5ESE.  80M was disappointing. Nice to hear a couple of new-to-me calls and old friends. Had fun.