Friday, December 10, 2021
SOAPBOX: December 2021 ARS Spartan Sprint
RIG: Ten Tec Scout at 5W, no tuner (5 lb.)
KEY: 1938 McElroy bug (8 lb.)
QSOs: 3 (40M) K4BAI, K9DRP, N9OHW
Heard a few others on 40M, but they couldn't hear me. Running S5-6 noise here for some reason. Couldn't raise anyone on 80M. 72, Paul NA5N (Editor's note: The Adventure Radio Society is a staunch supporter of NA5N's annual Zombie Shuffle. Details: )
Signals were weak tonight on 40m but at least the noise level seemed almost absent. Hmm, did I hook up my antenna? RBN spots were weak too. Yes, I'm sure I reconnected my wet string HOA antenna. Nice mix of long time radio friends and some new good ops this evening. Sure made for a nice hour on the December Spartan Sprint - 72, Don, K3RLL
This is my first SP entry. I have played in the event several times, but never sent in an entry. Feels good to finally complete the paperwork. We operate a small net on Monday nights at 8:00 PM local time called the Slow Speed QSO Net. It is intended to encourage CW operations for those that are a bit on the rusty side. We have used the Spartan Sprint as a way to give them experience with a CW contest format. So if the entrants have seen WI entrants more than usual, that might be the reason. Regardless, I've enjoyed the event and look forward to the first Monday every month. Vy 72, MJ, WO9B
Operated about 1 hour and 20 mins. No signals on 20M. 40M was long and signals were weaker than usual. 80M wasn't long, but signals were weaker than usual. Made 6 QSOs on 40M and 6 QSOs on 80M. Thanks for the QSOs. 73/72, John, K4BAI.
Bands were long tonight! Hooked up the HB-1B for a lite weight station. The mini key caused me some trouble; RBN listed me as K9DAEP a couple times! Not a lot of activity this evening, but I was able to work both coasts. It helps when you and the calling station (NK6A) know what the other's exchange will be. Yet I couldn't get thru to my neighbor, WB9HFK. Gud to work some new calls tonight! 72, Don
Kx3 @ 5w into a ZS6BKW inverted Vee oriented N/S at 40 feet. My struggle this evening, so very special thanks to Dave/AB9CA, on/K9DRP, onnie/W9TGT, and Don/K3RLL for tonight's log. 20m was totally dead for the sprint on my end tonight - not really surprised. 40m was nothing to brag about, and it just died out after I worked Dave at 0256 UTC. In the next 15 minutes I heard four or five stations calling that were trying to get thru but couldn't pull them out. Thanks to all, take care and stay safe, 72, Cray / K5MUG / San Antonio, TX
This one was a challenge...Started on 20 meters, nothing. Only 1 completed QSO on 40 meters. WO9B and WA9TGT answered my CQ but I couldn't hear them after my exchange. After the Sprint, I did spot searches on fellow Spartan Sprinters on the RBN. From those searches, I have concluded that 40 meter propagation wasn't that great during the Sprint AND I have to make improvements in my 40 meter antenna system - the delta loops just aren't performing, as expected. My 40 meter RBN spots are fewer and weaker than other Spartan Sprinters - Excelsior! 80 meters was a little noisy but was good for 6 QSOs. I'm happy to say that I was able to put WO9B and WA9TGT in the log. Thank you all for the opportunity. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hope to hear you in 2022, Will, NQ2W
K3/10 @ 5W to a 40M extended double Zepp or a 40M dipole. 7 states this month. Best signals: 40M - WB1LLY, 80M - WB9HFK. Heard AA9RK but could never pull him out of the noise (S4 on 40M and S5 on 80). It seemed that every other contact was named 'Don'. Quit after Mark and Don on 80M. Had fun.
Only activity was on 80M although there was some propagation on 40M. Tried a few CQs there but no response. Good to see some of the usual suspects. - 72.
Slim pickin's. I'm out in AZ. Worked only 2, both in TX. Heard NK6A but did not complete. Maybe next month will be better. 73, Dave
This was my first attempt at operating QRP. I was a bit disappointed in the lack of stations that I heard. WB9HFK was the only station I heard calling CQ near the QRP frequencies on 80 meters. I also listened on 40 meters near 7030 and 7112 kHz. No on heard there. I tried calling CQ on 80 for about 10 minutes, but no call backs. I'll try another one, but this one was too quiet for me. 73, Kevin Alt
Thursday, November 11, 2021
SOAPBOX: November 2021 Spartan Sprint
HISTORY MAKING SPRINT: Michael Falk, AA9RK, and his son, Max, KD9NZB, made ARS history in November when they operated as separate competitors in the Spartan Sprint - the first-ever father-son Sprint participants. In addition, Max, 10, is the youngest participant ever. "I have enjoyed getting back into CW this past year or two," Michael said, "and Max is having fun with it too. His interests in ham radio are very different from mine, but that's fine. I'm glad he has interests in ham radio at all. He works on his CW occasionally, and he's also very casually working on his General exam pool." (Photograph courtesy of AA9RK)
I am a 10 year old Technician class operator and I am learning CW. 72! Max, KD9NZB
Ten-Tec Jupiter to a mini-beam at 25ft for 20m, a full-wave delta loop at about 50ft for 40m, and a dipole at about 50ft for 80m. 1 QSO on 20m, 9 on 40m, and 8 on 80m. My 80m dipole is performing a lot better up here in the Adirondacks than my 80m near bottom-loaded vertical did in Albany. It's nice to have some space both horizontally and vertically. Two-banders with K4BAI, WB5BKL, K7TQ, K9DRP, WB9HFK, and NØTA. I said it last month but it's worth repeating - it's great to be back. Thanks for the QSOs and thanks to Richard, KI6SN, for the opportunity created by the Spartan Sprints. Looking forward to next month...Will, NQ2W
K3/10 @ 5W to a 40M extended double Zepp or a 40M dipole. 7 states this month (worked IL 5 times!). Nada on 20M. Best signals: 40M - NK6A, 80M - W5ESE. Doubles with WB9HFK, K9DRP, and NQ2W. Had fun.
Got 4 QSO quickly then things petered out on 40M. NØTA remained strong for a while. Ops limited to a 40M dipole. 73/72, Andy
Just used 40m. Conditions have been better. Perhaps seeing some after affects from the recent solar storm. Used my backup SOTA kit: FT-817 with a 21700 Li-Ion battery pack that I have been testing. Has more capacity than my 18650 Li-Ion pack, but is a little heavier. 73 - Jody - K3JZD
As I did in October, I operated using my mobile setup, KX2 and Scorpion 680 antenna, from the top of the Lewiston, ID grade which has a 2,500 foot drop off favoring the east and south. Below are the cities of Lewiston, ID and Clarkston, WA at the confluence of the Clearwater and Snake Rivers. Catching KI6SN was a treat. We haven't had a QSO in quite a while. 40 m was good all the way to the east coast and 80 m yielded a Q to CO and one to NY. A fun evening.
Conditions seemed pretty decent; No contacts on 20m. 40m was the money band, but 80m was pretty good, also. Used the Omni VI and a 300' Horizontal Loop.
MTR-3B putting out 2 Watts from a 9 volt battery, with a light 3D-printed plastic paddle and earbuds for 9.8 oz. 6 QSOs: one on 20m and the rest on 40m. Antenna was a Buddipole in horizontal configuration. QTH was in the San Francisco bay area. Good to hear and work KI6SN for the first time, as well as NØTA, K7TQ, NK6A, and two QRO stations who came by to give out points, KI5AL and W0CCA. 73, Mike N9OHW.
I started out on 40 meters and didn't hear any stations so I picked a spot and made a run for it. I only worked 4 stations on 7041 W5ESE, NQ2W W5QLF and WB5BKL. After calling CQ I noticed that my receive signals were intermittent and had some trouble copying. I thought at first there was quite a bit of QSB so after I didn't hear any more stations I swapped filters and went to 80 meters and immediately found John - K4BAI but right after I found out what the problem was: when I took the ATS- 3b out of the case I should have reinforced the antenna connector. The SMB connector broke loose from the PCB. I stopped for almost a half hour soldering the connector. About 0250z I was back on the air and then found KB9LLD. My LiPo battery had had a rest and was almost putting out 3 watts again. Even with a problem this sprint is still lots of Fun. 72 to everyone for the QSOs, see you next month, Phil.
I obviously haven't operated the Spartan Sprint in a long time, but decided to get in for a bit this time around. Unfortunately, I needed a tuner, so instead of using one of the lightweight rigs, I used the KX3 to take advantage of the built-in tuner. Power by Eneloops, paddle was a Te-Ne-Ke Micro. I checked out 20 meters just before the start, heard nothing and got no Reverse Beacon action, so I headed to 40 meters. Pretty good reports on RBB initially, with noticeable reduction in signal strength after about a half hour. I gave up after an hour or so and listened for a few minutes on 80, but heard no Sprinters. I look forward to the next time I operate being able to go tuner-free and use one of the KD1JV rigs. Thanks to all for the QSOs - good to hear some familiar calls I haven't heard in a while. And thanks to KI6SN for keeping the Sprint going! 73 de Lee, AA4GA
No stations heard on 20M. Band seemed dead. 8 QSOs on 40. Skip was pretty long - worked CA 2 way 5W QRO with NK6A. 3 QSOs with stations in WI. 13 QSOs on 80M. Best "DX" was NØTA, worked on both bands. Thanks for all QSOs. 73/72, John, K4BAI.
First time participating in Spartan Sprint. Operated for one hour on 80m only with full 80m loop antenna up 25-30 ft. 73, Tony, KB9LLD
Had to quit early tonight but still had a fun run. Lots of 2 band contacts tonight. Got to work Richard, KI6SN on 40! Good to hear NQ2W on 80 this evening. Ran the Argo VI getting ready for tomorrow's fox hunt. Let's do it again next month. 72, Don, K9DRP
40m = 17, 80m = 8. 1.25 hrs. Nice evening. K3 @ 5w, doublet at 25 ft. Thanks for the Q's.
Back in Florida for the winter and life under the tyranny of my HOA and their Draconian antenna restrictions. So very happy for the contacts tonight, and they were good ones! My wet string antenna somehow improved over that half-hour. Big signal was K3JZD in PA. The Spartan Sprint has provided a lot of fun for quite some number of years now. My thanks and appreciation to ARS staff and management. 72/73, Don K3RLL
Contacts: 2. Weight: 13 lbs (IC-7300 and accoutrements - did not set up the QRP gear tonight). Great contacts with great operators. 5 watts into a dipole. 73 de AA9RK
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
SOAPBOX: October '21 ARS Spartan Sprint
Decided to try the KX3 turned down to 2 watts. British Columbia on 20 meters was not in the Sprint, Got WVØH, N9OHW, NK6A, AND K7TQ on 40. Antenna is 64 ft. center-fed doublet. Band apparently went south, I turned power up to 5 watts and got nothing new.
Had only about 45 minutes. Nearly made a Q on 20 with WB5BKL but QSB got him. Moved to 40 and logged 7 then seemed to run out of guys who could hear me. Logged NY GA NH VA ID CO TX. Went to 80 but was likely too early for anyone to be there. Rig was K3 at 5w to Inv Vee. Thanks for the Qs! Hope to hear everyone plus more next month! Dave, AB9CA
The WX here in N. Georgia was atrocious - flooding rains and raging thunder storms. All of the bands were noisy with static and lightning crashes. I could only work the loudest stations and, apologies to those who either couldn't complete QSOs or took multiple tries and time to complete - especially to WO9B and W5ESE that took multiple tries and finally with their patience we were able to make contacts. I heard John - K4BAI on 40 and 80 but was only able to work him on 80. I had to shut down my station several times because of nearby lightning strikes. My ARS Spartan Sprint station here is scaled down to a Steve Weber KD1JV designed ATS-3b with the case removed, ear buds, homemade paddles plus a 250mah LiPo battery supply. 72/73 to all and especially to those who had to put up with my multiple request to repeat either calls or info, Phil
It's great to be back on the air. I enjoyed hearing some old friends and making some new ones. I used my K1 to a temporary sloping 40m dipole fed at about 40 feet. WB9HFK won the strong signal honors this time around. All in all, I think 40m was in pretty good shape for this sprint...but that's the opinion of someone who has been off the air for more than 5 years! Thanks for the contacts. I hope to be back next month. Now, back to piecing this station back together. 72, Will, NQ2W
K3/10 @ 5W to a 40M extended double Zepp or a 40M dipole. One QRO QSO removed from score. 8 states this month. Impressive QSB on 20M (Don, NK6A was 589, then 339 - called it 449 - AB9CA similar). Best signals: 20M - AB9CA, 40M - K4BAI, 80M - W5ESE. Doubles with AB9CA and K4BAI. Had fun.
Just used 40m. However I had a high noise level which covered some QRP signals. All I could accomplish were QSOs into GA and TX. Used my backup SOTA kit this time: FT-817 with a 16850 LiIon battery pack. Not really a lightweight station here, but it needed some exercise. 73 - Jody - K3JZD
I operated from the top of the Lewiston, ID grade which has a 2,500 foot drop off favoring the east and south. The cities of Lewiston, ID and Clarkston, WA are below at the confluence of the Clearwater River and the Snake River. Watching the cities light up as it got dark and radioing was a great way to spend the evening.
Conditions seemed pretty decent; 40m being the money band. Used the Omni VI and a 300' Horizontal Loop.
First Spartan Sprint in many years. 9 QSOs to 8 SPC's, calling from SCV in California. 2 QSO's on 20M and the rest on 40M. MTR-3B to a Buddipole. Battery was a 12V LiPo for 5W, but I later realized I could have saved about 6 ounces if I had remembered to use a 9V battery for 3W. Most memorable QSO was K4BEN, my college-aged nephew Ben whom I Elmered when he was in high school, calling from his dorm in Virginia via a remote ham radio in Massachusetts. Unplanned and a pleasant surprise! 73, Mike
Eight 40-meter QSOs at 2Watts and 0.6056 pounds running my MTR4BV2 and a 7.2v (9v) rechargeable battery by EBL. My paddle is a single lever homebrew from a bamboo hamburger skewer wired directly onto a stereo plug shoved in the back of the rig. I worked WB4HMA on 7030.000 but a CQer came on and we tried to connect thru the QRM but had to move down a bit to complete the QSO and we finally made it. Whew! He was number 8 and nobody else after that. Thanks to all who participated and to KI6SN for doing this month after month. Much appreciated. 72, WVØH Myron
Didn't hear many stations. I think this is my first, but I look forward to doing it again. Dennis
Rig: Icom 7300 @ 5W; Antenna: Hustler 6BTV Gnd Mtd with 60 Radials.
QSOs by band: 40M: 14; 80M: 3. No stations heard on 20M here. Thanks for all QSOs. 73/72, John, K4BAI.
Ten Tec Argo 556, power cord, 5 ft of RG-213, MFJ-993B tuner. Bad QSB, but good QSOs. 4 watts into a dipole. 73 de AA9RK, Michael
RBN was giving good reports but signals seemed weak on 40m this evening, with the strong exception of W1PID. I think we had pipeline between PA and NH tonight. HIHI. Thanks for the contacts and for the Spartan Sprint. Always fun with great ops. 72/73, Don
Monday, September 13, 2021
LATEST UPDATES: The 2021 Adventure Radio Society FOBB Scoreboard
For an updated 2021 FOBB Scoreboard, click here.
SOAPBOX: September 2021 ARS Spartan Sprint
Pretty good conditions on 40 and 80. Not much activity on 80 though. No activity heard on 20M. QSOs by band: 40M: 16. 80M: 4. Thanks for all QSOs. 73, John, K4BAI.
40m seemed a little sparse this evening. After 20 minutes with no new Sprinters and having working all four stations heard, it is time to go dream about the old days, hi, hi. Thanks for the fun and nice contacts this evening. 72/73 .. Don
All 40m. K3, doublet, GenLog
Bands were very quiet even though we had a lightning storm and heavy rain at the beginning of the SP. To lighten the weight I stayed on 40 meters using only one band filter and had fairly good results in calling CQ SP as well as S & P operating. The following is a repeat from last month: Rig here is scaled down Steve Weber KD1JV designed ATS-3b with the case removed. Before I was running it with the fully enclosed case. Quite a bit lighter now. An Altoids tin weighs about 1.2 oz. and my case made of very thin 2 sided PCB weighs a little less than 0.6 oz. I removed the case and weighed the transceiver, 3 filters, ear bud, paddle and 25o mah LiPo battery. Antenna is a 160 meter horizontal loop at 30' fed with 50' 450 ohm open wire, balun and 25' of RG-58 coax. Thanks for all the contacts. 72' de Phil, K4PQC
Dialed my K2 down to 1W and made 2 contacts, thanks for the Q's, 73 ab9bz Dave
K3/10 @ 5W to a 40M extended double Zepp or a 40M dipole. Only 40 minutes this time. Local t-storm got way too close - not to mention the QRN. Best signals: 15M - NK6A, 40M - WK8S. Only three states. Oh well, there's always October. Had fun.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
SOAPBOX: August 2021 ARS Spartan Sprint
Nice to hear 20m open at
the starting gate but the party seemed to quickly move to 40m where there
seemed like a lot of carrier noise this evening but some nice
signals. It's a lot more fun to operate here in PA with a real outside antenna.
Thanks for the contacts. 72/73 … Don
Nice to hear 20m open at
the starting gate but the party seemed to quickly move to 40m where there
seemed like a lot of carrier noise this evening but some nice
signals. It's a lot more fun to operate here in PA with a real outside
antenna. Thanks for the contacts. 72/73 … Don
12 on
20m, 4 on 40m. Thanks for the Q's.
This is the first time on the Sprint for me since May 2021 and I had to do a little remembering of the protocol. I do recognize many of the calls I worked as being quite active on QRP events and CW in general. Thanks for letting me play once again! Joe, W5QLF
Made 10 other QSOs
before realizing I had left the amp on after calling a traffic net at
0200Z. So I am showing as QSOs only the 11 I made actually QRP. I
guess the other 10 count for the stations I worked. 73/72, John, K4BAI.
Lots of activity on 20
to start, logging half of my contacts there. The rest were on 40. I
couldn't raise anyone on 80 tonight. TNX to Nick, WB5BKL fer two bands. Ran the
Argo V with the KN4YB bug and a LiFEPO battery.
Bands were fairly quiet
but I only had 3 contacts when calling CW the rest were all S & P.
Only one contact on 20 and one on 80 the rest on 40. Thanks to everyone
for the QSOs., Rig here is scaled down Steve Weber KD1JV designed ATS-3b
with the case removed. Before I was running it with the fully enclosed
case. quite a bit lighter now. An Altoids tin weighs about 1.2 oz.
and my case made of very thin 2 sided PCB weighs a little less than 0.6
oz. I removed the case and weighed the transceiver, 3 filters, ear
bud, paddle and 25o mah LiPo battery. Antenna is a 160
meter horizontal loop at 30' fed with 50' 450 ohm open wire, balun and
25' of RG-58 coax. If I would have stayed on 40 meters and not used
the other two filters and only made 8 contacts there would only be a 6 point
difference in the score. More fun changing bands and making more
contacts. 72' Phil
Rig: Icom 7300 at 5W; Antenna:
OCF Dipole at 30 Ft.; Weight: 30 Lbs.
KX3 @ 5w into a ZS6BKW
inverted V oriented N/S at 40 feet. Little on the sparse side this
evening. 4 CQ SP contacts, 8 S&P. 20m went dry fairly early - 5
contacts in first 26 minutes; on 40m all worked stations very tight - 7
contacts all between 7.040.5 and 7.041.7. Quite a bit of over-lap, tried
tightening down the filters, only helped a couple times. Tried to get thru to
K4PQC from the very beginning (5 or 6 different attempts) - he wasn't hearing
me - finally got him at 02:57z when he responded (339) to my CQ SP with a
couple of repeats. Thanks, Phil. Whew! Particularly nice to work
local Spartan Sprint and QRP Fox Hunt compadre W5QLF/Joe on both 20m (559/QSB)
and 40m (599), Thanks Joe! All in all, hoped for better evening but will
still declare it another pleasurable event. Thanks to all, take care and stay
safe, 72, Cray / K5MUG / San Antonio, TX
Used 20m
and 40m. 40m got kind of weird near the end of the first hour - maybe was
some solar storm activity. MTR-3B w/500 mAH LiPo Battery Pack running 4w
with KØMBT
3D Printed Mini-Mini Key and Earbuds to a 20m beam and 40m dipole. 73 -
Jody - K3JZD
K3/10 @ 5W to a 40M extended
double Zepp or a 40M dipole. Tried 15M for a while with no luck. 6 states
this month. Best signals: 20M - NØTA, 40M & 80M - K4BAI. Doubles with Don, John
and Don. 1 QRO and 1
incomplete QSO not
counted. Though things were sparse in the second hour, still had fun.
Did not have much time,
ran for about 45 min. K3 at 5w. Logged 2 on 20 and 11 on 40. 40 definitely
seemed to be the better band last evening. Did work NK6A and NØTA on both 20 and 40. Thanks for the Q's and see everyone
next month . . . Dave, ab9ca
All my contacts were on
40 meters. The band was pretty quiet for a change and began to go really long
by 11:30PM. Donnie Garrett / WA9TGT
Softrock RXTX Ensemble (built from kit), Lenovo laptop running Quisk
software transceiver with homebrew mods to control Softrock via WiFi, 1/4-wave
vertical with 32 radials. Thanks for a cool event! - 72! Ben, AC2YD
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
- /BB: If you are a Bumblebee, your exchange is RST, state/province/country, and your Bumblebee number.
- Home Stations: If you are home-based, your exchange is RST, state/province/country, and your power.
- Say, you make 21 FOBB contacts on 40 meters.
- You make 32 FOBB contacts on 20 meters.
- In that combined total of QSOs, you contacted 14 Bumblebees. NOTE: If you worked KI6SN/BB on two bands, it counts as two Bumblebee contacts.
- To determine your multiplier, multiply 14 Bumblebees times 3.
- Contacts: 21 + 32 = 53
- BB Multiplier: 14 X 3 = 42
- Total: 53 QSOs X 42 BB Multiplier = 2,226 Total points
- Most interesting equipment
- Most fascinating FOBB venture
- Most beautiful site
- Full name
- Callsign
- Location of FOBB operation
- Total number of contacts (all bands)
- Total number of Bumblebees (all bands)
- Comments about your 2021 FOBB experience:
Apply for a 2021 Flight of the Bumblebees Number
- Your Callsign
- Your First Name
- The field location you anticipate to be operating from
- Your Top 3 Choices for FOBB Number
Saturday, July 10, 2021
SOAPBOX: July 2021 ARS Spartan Sprint
operated 12 minutes. 3 QSOs on 20. 4 QSOs on 40. Thanks everyone. 72 Jim W1PID
great to be away from the hurricanes and be back in PA for the summer with a
real, honest-to-goodness outdoor antenna for a change! Great propagation tonight
also, with many solid-to-strong signals, 3 watts and up. Delighted to
make my 10 contacts in 29 minutes - a tribute to the skill of our Spartan
Sprinters. 72/73 … Don
4 on 20m, 13 on 40m. Tnx for the Q's. K3 at 5 watts.
Doublet & Vertical, GenLog.
I arrived about an
hour late to the party and was glad the qrn hadn't left! 20 meters was marginal
up here with 40 being the workhorse tonight. I ran the Kwd 590 at 5 watts and
fed the 43' vertical. Rx was off the loop since the static crashes were pretty
loud. Hope you all had a good Fourth of July. 72 Scott NØAR
Good weather here in Bishop, GA but not for long with a
hurricane on her way.... I didn't hear any stations on 20 meters and most
of the activity was on 40. One station, W3KC, was worked both on 40 &
80. A couple of stations answered my CQs but I couldn't pull them
in... Rig AT 3B @ 3W 160 Meter Loop at 25. Thanks to all for
the Q's 72 Phil - K4PQC.
First sprint, did not hear any CQs so called CQ SP on 20m.
40m only.
Very little QSB and QRN this month. Naked QCX transciever w/500 mAH
LiPo Battery Pack running at 4w with K0MBT 3D Printed Mini-Mini Key and Earbuds
to a 40m dipole up 25'. 73 - Jody - K3JZD
K3/10 @ 5W to a 40M extended double Zepp or a 40M dipole. Worked
NK6A on three bands - thanks Don! Best signals: 15M - NK6A, 20M -
NK6A, 40M - K4BAI, 80M - WA8ZBT. 80M seemed very noisy here. Two QRO QSOs
not counted. Had fun.
Arrived late but was able to make a few contacts on 20, 40, and
80. IC-703 @ 5 watts into an end fed
wireup 24 feet.
Rig: Icom 7300 @ 5W. Antenna: Hustler 6BTV - Gnd Mounted with 60
Radials. Weight: 30 Lbs.
Enjoyed working WØITT
with his 1W station, and 9 others. Most were heard on 40m, a few on 20m and
80m. Ran 3W to an 80m CF Zepp. 72 to all! Evan WA4AAK Alabama
Nice sprint tonight. 2 QSOs on 40 and 16 on 80. Two were on both bands, N0TA and NK6A. Called a lot of CQs on 80, but got no replies and heard no one else in the Sprint on 80. About one hour of actual operation. 73/72, John, K4BAI.
Monday, June 14, 2021
SOAPBOX: June 2021 ARS Spartan Sprint
K3/10 @ 5W to a 40M extended double Zepp. 6 QSOs on 20M, 3 on 40 and 1 on 80. 6 states this month. Best signals: 20M - NØTA, 40 and 80M - K4BAI. Remarkable signal: K4PQC @ 2W! Gave up after an hour and a half, but still had fun. Holding a good thought for Andy, W5ACM (SK) . . .
4 Qs on 40M. 1 on 20M. Thanks all.
4 on 20m, 6 on 40m. Worked the first 45 minutes. K3, Doublet, GenLog.
Started out on an empty 40m band, wondering where everyone was. Yep, 20m was open (in and out) and that's where the party was tonight. At last, there is hope for improved propagation in my lifetime! Thanks for the nice contacts this evening and for the Spartan Sprint . 72 ... Don
Terrible weather here in Bishop, GA with severe lightning storms approaching. I couldn't hear many stations so I decided to just call CQ and go as long as my battery would last. It only lasted for one hour and this was OK as I had to shut down my station anyway because of the lightning. Using a modified Steve Weber design ATS-3B and 160 meter loop at 25'.
Another fun night with the little red radio. I shaved off some ounces and got my station down to 0.606 pounds using a different battery, ear buds and paddle made with some smaller wood.
3 QSOs on 20M; 13 QSOs on 40M; 3 QSOs on 80M. Only one heard and not worked was WVØH on 20 and I worked Myron on 40. Thanks for all QSOs. 73/72, John, K4BAI.
Set up my mcHF rig for the sprint. The LiFePO4 battery I use with it outweighs the rig! The contacts were great for the first hour But activity disappeared during the second. K4PQC was sounding FB with 2 watts! TNX to AB9CA for 2 bands. Worked 2 on 20, 2 on 80, and the rest on 40. SRI to the couple stations I couldn't pull out due to QRN. 72, Don
Celebrating my 50th year as an amateur radio operator.
Very frustrating evening. Started on 20M with 5 qsos, then shifted to 40M and 80M. That's where things fell apart. Local noise was high and although I could copy them none of the stations I called heard me. Heard WA9TGT, K4BAI and WVØH on 40M; K4BAI, WVØH and AB9CA on 80M. 73/72, Andy, W4NLT.
40 meter band seemed rather noisy again, all my contacts were made on 40 meters except for 1 which was on 80 meters. I was using my KX2 with a 12v 4000 mAh 12v Lithium-ion battery. Participation in the Spartan Sprint seems pretty low again this month.
Ran the K3 at 5w to the usual wires. This is the first time in a looong time that 20 has been the main band. The band breakdown is 11/9/3 for 20/40/80. Total of 23. The noise seemed to be pretty bad on 40 and 80, made it tough to hear. Was hearing stations on 20 who were east of the Mississippi. Been a while since hearing that. Thanks to all for the Q's. Hope to hear everyone, and a few more, next month. 73 de Dave, AB9CA
Many thanks to the unknown heroic operator who worked so hard to cut through my local QRN - wish I could have completed that contact! Made one contact on 20m, 6 on 40m, and then K4BAI and AB9CA for a second time on 80m. Always enjoy listening to such highly skilled CW operators! 72, Evan - Huntsville, AL