Wednesday, March 10, 2021

RESULTS: ARS March 2021 Scoreboard


Soapbox: March 2021 ARS Spartan Sprint


The party must have been moved to 80 meters because there were only Walt, Nick and me heard here on 40m this evening.Someday I need to figure out a way to put up an antenna for 80 on my less-than-postage-stamp-sized lot. Helium balloon? See (hear?) you next month.  72 ... Don


Great weather at 60*F a little rain and overcast.  Before the Spartan Sprint I didn't hear much activity on any of the upper bands and 40 was extremely noisy so I stuck to only the 80 meter band filter.  Even on 80 I didn't hear a lot of activity and only worked 3 stations. A few minutes before the end I called CQ and a ?3X? came back when I I sent a ? my battery died...  either good or bad timing.  Thanks to all who participate.  72


K3/10 @ 5W to a 40M extended double Zepp.  2 contacts on 40 and 5 on 80M (1 QRO contact on 40M removed).  Best signals:  40M - K3RLL, 80M - K5MUG.  Nearly half my contacts were named Don!  Gave up early but had fun.


Heard no signals on 20 or 40. 80 was the band of choice. Lots of qrn. At one point I was heard by 20 RBN's across the country. Rig Kwd 590, ant vert. and nvis dipole, rx loop.73 to all - Scott


80m was really thin.  Did not check 40m.   This time I gave up before my batteries did.  KX3 w/500 mAH LiPo Battery Pack running at 5w with K0MBT 3D Printed Mini-Mini Key and Earbuds to a bent 107' EFRW up 20'.   73 - Jody - K3JZD