Monday, September 13, 2021

LATEST UPDATES: The 2021 Adventure Radio Society FOBB Scoreboard

For an updated 2021 FOBB Scoreboard, click here.

SCOREBOARD: September 2021 ARS Spartan Sprint


For an enlarged view, click on the Scoreboard.

SOAPBOX: September 2021 ARS Spartan Sprint


Pretty good conditions on 40 and 80.  Not much activity on 80 though. No activity heard on 20M. QSOs by band: 40M: 16. 80M: 4. Thanks for all QSOs. 73, John, K4BAI.


40m seemed a little sparse this evening. After 20 minutes with no new Sprinters and having working all four stations heard, it is time to go dream about the old days, hi, hi. Thanks for the fun and nice contacts this evening. 72/73 .. Don


All 40m. K3, doublet, GenLog


Bands were very quiet even though we had a lightning storm and heavy rain at the beginning of the SP. To lighten the weight I stayed on 40 meters using only one band filter and had fairly good results in calling CQ SP as well as S & P operating. The following is a repeat from last month: Rig here is scaled down Steve Weber KD1JV designed ATS-3b with the case removed.  Before I was running it with the fully enclosed case. Quite a bit lighter now. An Altoids tin weighs about 1.2 oz. and my case made of very thin 2 sided PCB weighs a little less than 0.6 oz. I removed the case and weighed the transceiver, 3 filters, ear bud, paddle and 25o mah LiPo battery. Antenna is a 160 meter horizontal loop at 30' fed with 50' 450 ohm open wire, balun and 25' of RG-58 coax. Thanks for all the contacts. 72' de Phil, K4PQC


Dialed my K2 down to 1W and made 2 contacts, thanks for the Q's, 73 ab9bz Dave


K3/10 @ 5W to a 40M extended double Zepp or a 40M dipole. Only 40 minutes this time. Local t-storm got way too close - not to mention the QRN. Best signals:  15M - NK6A, 40M - WK8S. Only three states. Oh well, there's always October. Had fun.