Wednesday, October 25, 2023

SCOREBOARD: October 2023 ARS Spartan Sprint


SOAPBOX: October 2023 ARS Spartan Sprint

Rig: Icom 7300 @ 5W
Antenna: EFHW @ 30 Ft.
Weight: 30 lbs.

Had another fun night with the Sprint.  Band conditions here in Central Indiana were very poor for the first 45 minutes…..Called and called without results.  Then the band came in for about an hour and I got 10 contacts in 5 States.  Did not hear a number of the regulars though.  Anyway, it was a good evening even though I’m still a rookie CW op.  IC-705, straight key and G5RV at 20’. 73, Steve, WA9CWE

Power Level: 4 watts
Total Number Contacts: 14
Total Equipment Weight: 10.0 oz

I missed last month Sprint due to relocating to Ft Wayne, however I’m now back on the air. My antenna at the new QTH is a 40~10 meter EFHW that’s only up 13 ft at its highest point. I was pleasantly surprised how well it did last night in the Spartan Sprint. I was also able to work several of the Muncie, IN and surrounding area near my old hometown. All my contacts were on 40 meters tonight. Band seemed to be up and down for the entire sprint tonight but again it was a very enjoyable Spartan Sprint! Donnie / WA9TGT


All 13 QSOs on 40 between 7040 and 7044 kHz. No activity heard on 20 or 80 and no answers to CQs on those bands. 20 and 80 were both open for non contest QSOs though.  We should try for a few minutes on 20 at the start, then got to 40 and go to 80 for the last half hour. In the Peanut Powered Sprint Sunday (which ended at 0000Z) there was a good bit of 80M QRP activity.Thanks for all QSOs (almost half of them were with stations in IN and most were with stations in the 9th call area. Did also work KK4R in VA and N0AR in MN.  K0HNL in MA was QRV and worked a couple of the 9th area stations, but couldn't hear me calling him.  TS590SG at 5W, wire antennas. 72, John, K4BAI


This my first sprint. The bands must have been open. I was operating from Pokagon State Park. I set my power at 5W and as I started scanning I ran across a POTA activator working a pile up. I switched to POTA node and made 50 contacts at 5W. Only nine on the sprint, but I’m new. Thanks for the patience of everybody who worked a newbie. Darrell, AA9OM