This is my first Sprint event and I enjoyed it a great deal. Having not operated CW since my Novice license expired in 1963, the 59 years since has taken a toll on my skills but I’m dedicated to improving. Thanks to the stations who tolerated my slow “need to improve” fist and for not replying “QLF”. Thanks also to WA9TGT who has encouraged me to get back into CW operation. My QRP radio (X5105) for this event reinforces how little power is required to communicate. Antenna is G5RV @ 20’. Hope to contact you next month. 73, Steve, WA9CWE
Thanks for the Qs. 40m QCX, Doublet, GenLog.
5W, 23 QSOs, Tubby (30# +) Better activity in April than in recent months. Had to take about a half hour out for some CW traffic nets when I actually took and passed some messages. QSOs by band: 20M 1 (NK6A very loud). 40M: 17 (best DX NK6A and N9OHW, both in CA). Heard NV1D in ME, but no QSO. 80M: 5 QSOs, furthest away being NQ2W. Thanks for all QSOs. 73/72, John, K4BAI
Trimmed some weight by taking the cage off the IC-705. One lone QSO on 20M - NK6A. Rest of contacts on 40M and 80M with Mark - WB9HFK - a two bander. Good to work many of the usual suspects. Thanks for the QSOs. 73/72 Andy
Finally lost some weight by using the MTR4B. I also lost 80m though. Thankful for the 3 QSOs on 40. 73, Nathan
Started a little late but earlier in the evening. Listened on the bands and 80 meters was very noisy with lots of lightning crashes. 40 meters seemed to be the best choice. A little slow at first and the band seemed to be going long. I didn't hear any stations from GA or surrounding states. I did hear stations in QSO with K4BAI but I couldn't hear John who is only 125 miles away and he is usually S9 or 40. My first 2 contacts were N0TA, John in CO; and N0AR, Scott in MN - both very good signals. I went up and down the band and nothing was heard so I decided to call CQ SP. Other stations worked were in NY, NJ, TX, and WI, I'm sorry if you called and I didn't respond. The rig has good ears but I don't. The weather here in N. Georgia is a little cloudy and cool @ 55*F. The Rig is a modified Steve Weber - KD1JV AT Sprint III, lightened earphone, paddles and a 200 ma three-cell LiPo battery. 72/73 to all and thanks for the QSOs, see you next month. - Phil, K4PQC
I only participated before (NCAA basketball championship) tipoff and during the halftime break. Both events were entertaining! 15m at the start was a no show. 20m was good for 2 Qs. 40m was good for 5 Qs before the game. During halftime 40m allowed for 3 more Qs and 80m netted me 6 Qs. Two banders with WB9HFK and K4BAI. AA9RK was tough copy but we made the QSO. Thank you for all of the repeats. Thanks for all the contacts and thanks to KI6SN for putting this all together. 72, Will, NQ2W
Once again I used my KX2, and a EFHW wire antenna. Band conditions seemed noisier than last month contest. Stayed on 40 meters better part of the first hour, then switched to 80 meters. All contacts were on 80 and 40 meters. Donnie Garrett / WA9TGT
40m was very noisy. Hope to give this another try next month. Thanks for the Qs and patience with my fumbling operation.
20 was just noisy, 40 was long and noisy, and 80 was very noisy! Used a SCAF filter with my RGO One to contend with all the QRN. 2 QSOs on 40 and 7 on 80. W4NLT had to send me his call about a dozen times, for each time a static crash would take out his "W". It would have been comical if not so aggravating. I think the QRN hurt participation this month. Let's do it again next month! 72, Don, K9DRP
80m Only. Single Band Radios are not really the best to use. Wasn't any activity during the first hour. Purpose built 80m QCX Mini, small 500mAH LiPo battery pack, small 3D printed key, and ear buds. 73 - Jody - K3JZD
This is my first Sprint event and I enjoyed it a great deal. Having not operated CW since my Novice license expired in 1963, the 59 years since has taken a toll on my skills but I’m dedicated to improving. Thanks to the stations who tolerated my slow “need to improve” fist and for not replying “QLF”. Thanks also to WA9TGT who has encouraged me to get back into CW operation. My QRP radio (X5105) for this event reinforces how little power is required to communicate. Antenna is G5RV @ 20’. Hope to contact you next month. 73, Steve, WA9CWE
K3/10 @ 5W to a 40M extended double Zepp or a 40M dipole. 6 states this month. Best signals: 20M - NK6A, 40M - K4BAI. One QRO QSO removed from score. One double with NK6A. Looked at 80M briefly. Quit after about 60 minutes - was worried about predicted storms (which never
appeared). Had fun.
Spent the night on 40 meters. Lots of QRN from the approaching Thunderstorms. Band conditions were better than they have been in months! Best signal went to KØEMT. Apologies to those I couldn't pull out of the noise. 72 Scott N0AR
Started on 15m and got many RBN spots, but no sprinters were heard. Moved to 20m and found NA5N in NM. Moved to 40m for the rest of the time and worked N0TA, NK6A, and K4BAI. Thanks to K4BAI for sticking with me for many repeats of my information to make the QSO in the last minute of the sprint. Heard some others on 40m, NA5N and N0AR, but conditions were too rough to make the contacts. Station was an MTR-5B with a 9 volt battery for 2 Watts out. I used the N6ARA Tiny Paddle Plug which has become my favorite portable paddle. Lightweight and accurate. Antenna was a Buddipole. 73 de N9OHW
Better conditions this month than the previous time. I couldn't hear anyone on 80 meters, but 40 meters played nicely. I used my usual home station: IC-7300, keyer, tuner, and power supply, putting 5 watts into my doublet. I am looking forward to trying the Spartan Sprint portable with my slimmed down travel kit this summer. When school is out, Max would like to participate again, too.
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